Latest NOAA Disaster Propaganda

Undoubtedly, you've heard about this in the media. Unfortunately, NOAA's disaster tabulations are propaganda and nothing more. As Dr Roger Pielke, Jr. wrote last week:

NOAA still has a lot of work to do to bring its “Billion Dollar Disasters” tabulation up to minimal scientific standards, but a little progress is still progress.

The "progress" noted by Dr. Pielke is that NOAA is now acknowledging (finally) that CO2 isn't the only thing (if it does at all) making disasters more costly but it is a larger population plus putting more valuable "stuff" in the path of storms. Dr. Pielke's peer-reviewed paper on how bad the NOAA product is can be found here

I don't know who President Trump may have in mind to lead NOAA but I hope it is someone who will:
While I have no basis for judging the marine side of NOAA, it is failing when it comes to the atmospheric side. A divorce is necessary. 


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