Should We Require Everyone in America to Attend a State Fair?!

Every state fair I've attended had some sort of butter display; some of which included milking cows as a demonstration of how butter is made. 

In Kansas and many other states' fairs (Minnesota's is below) there are butter carving contests. 

So, I'm trying to find out what government genius decided to do this idiotic thing. 

And, what could be the stupidest possible reason for a butter recall? I'll let someone from Twitter answer the question.
I'm confident these government geniuses are the same people who think electricity comes from the light switch and food comes from the grocery store. As CBS News goes on to say:

The Food and Drug Administration Butter said both products list cream, "but may be missing the Contains Milk statement." [I italicized "may," the rest of the quote is verbatim]

As longtime readers know, I strongly believe our government should be dispersed outside the Beltway to the greatest extent possible. I nominate the FDA to move to Wisconsin (motto: "America's Dairyland"). 

I so hope President-Elect Trump keeps his promises to cut out all of this nonsense. With people starving in the world, it is immoral to waste food in this manner. And, think about all of the money this type of thing costs to all concerned. 


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