Shelter Desperately Needed in North Carolina

Snow is forecast to fall in western North Carolina the end of the week -- the area devastated by Hurricane Helene. 
With winter setting in, people are desperate. Many victims have no home, no electricity and at least one is paying $130/month for a Port-A-Potty!! $15 billion will be needed to replace destroyed housing stock. I can't find (and I have looked!) a single first-hand account complimentary of FEMA's work outside of Asheville. 
I can say with certainty: FEMA shows little to no sense of urgency.

While I, of course, don't know the details in the case below, stories of insurance companies and FEMA rejecting what appear to be valid claims abound. As a meteorologist, I agree with Ms. Smith that this is not flood damage. 

So, we must assist. There are unconfirmed reports that people have already died of exposure. Please retweet this for others to see so that they may be able to assist. 

Many suggest older, but still in good condition, RV homes be donated to the area as the fastest way to get shelters to the region. The owners would receive a substantial tax deduction (they may have to get an appraisal, ask your tax professional) on the depreciated value. You can donate your RV here. The organization's name is Camper's Care and they will handle the donation. 


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