Be Careful of What You Read Regarding 'Climate' Events

Spain's recent flood, in which 27" of rain fell, has been the topic of a number of claims. I'd like to clarify:
  • This was a weather event, not a climate event. Climate is what happens over decades and centuries, not days. 
  • The fact that WWA and others say it was worsened by climate change is meaningless. They claim every unusual or extreme weather event is related to climate change.
  • The horrific death toll is not due to climate. Again, it was a weather event. There are charges that a flood forecast/warning was delayed eight hours. There are allegations that dozens of flood control dams have been removed for environmental reasons. Unfortunately, I have no way of independently verifying that claim. 
The importance of meteorological warning systems is demonstrated by this graph from 
environmentalist Bjorn Lomborg. Note that non-climate (earthquake, etc.*) deaths are relatively flat while meteorological warning systems have caused deaths to plummet. 

* After the 2004 tsunami Indian Ocean tsunami catastrophe, the worldwide tsunami warning system has been strengthened. 


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