Why Does the Media Feel It Has to Jump When Big Climate Issues a Press Release?

I'm so old I remember when journalists were proud to think of themselves as "independent." Now, it is all "follow the narrative." That is a shame for a once-proud profession and it is a shame for America -- which needs quality, independent journalism. 

I was looking for a story about St. Louis yesterday evening (~6pm) and this is what my search engine produced. Climate wasn't even on my mind at the time. See any similarites?

The "water fight" story in question is loaded with the words "could," "might," and other weasel words. There is not a single comment that doesn't contribute to the climate alarmist narrative. It is yet another piece of global warming propaganda. 

The Gold Standard of climate doesn't even think drought and floods powered by climate are a problem, if at all, until 2050. See Table 12.12 from the IPCC's latest report below, "Wet and Dry."

More and more I wonder if media companies are paid to publish these stories in a manner like infomercials run on television? If so, they should be required to say so in the same way television stations are required to label infomercials. 


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