Sergio Mendes, Rest in Peace

The founder of one of my favorite musical groups, Sergio Mendes, has passed away at 83, apparently due to long COVID. 

Sergio Mendes & Brazil '66 published a string of upbeat Bossa Nova albums that are unmatched. 
I was fortunate enough to see them perform in Kansas City, Kansas, in 1969. 

Even today, their music has stood the test of time. When quietly I play it for myself, I'm surprised by the number of people who approach me and say, "What is that music? It sounds great. I've never heard anything like it before." If you would like to hear Equinox, click here
Sergio was a master at adapting his music to the times. Until the past year or so, he was playing to sold-out audiences around the world. 

So, goodbye Sergio, and thanks for all of the great music!


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