Reviewing Absurd Climate Forecasts

It is almost impossible to overstate how ridiculous these climate forecasts are. This one was published more than three years ago but we -- and the planet -- are still around. 

These stories are usually coordinated between Big Climate and the news media. The timing usually is when some bill is before Congress or a policy is being considered by a presidential administration or a presidential department like the Environmental Protection Administration. No one believes these except gullible climate groupies (if you wonder to whom I'm referring, just read the comments section to any Washington Post article about climate). 

Once published, [non-scientists] at the White House, in Congress, and others will write worrisome pieces on social media and for the MSM which lobbyists will use to influence congresspeople (almost none are scientists) and on and on. 

The money starts flowing (if it involves alternative energy, a surprising amount of graft often seems to be involved). By then, the ridiculous forecast -- like the one above -- are long forgotten. In the meantime, stupendous amounts of our money are spent to accomplish very little. Consider the item below:
Hmm. I, too, can't believe it took our government $1.3 million to retrieve a ton of trash. Wonder where that money actually went.................

The irony is we need to decarbonize energy production -- with nuclear the best method. But, that would solve the problem and that is the last thing Big Climate, politicians and those on the gravy train actually want. 


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