Having Just Celebrated Labor Day.....

I'd like address those in or aspiring to be in management positions, especially students working on their MBA this semester. 

Behind many of America's problems is we don't turn out business and political leaders like we used to. Part of the problem is America's ethical decay (no consequences to politicians, managers and companies that make gigantic mistakes or even illegal acts) and part is due to believing a promotion to an important job means more rewards -- without accepting more responsibility.

In America's heyday of greatness, the primary result of a promotion was increased responsibility. It meant more hours and more work; not less. You were judged by results, not by what the country club crowd thought or the results of opinion polls. Now, the fat cats are far fatter than ever while the ordinary joe often no better off than 50 years ago

The great author, Homer Hickam, Jr. (Rocket Boys, The Coalwood Way), recently published the written instructions his father (call him a COO in today's business jargon) gave to all of his coal mine foremen in the 1950's. He expected them to manage in this way. 

Want to know how to manage for results and set yourself apart? Here's the list.
Notice there is nothing about what other people think of you.

Boeing finally did something right about a month ago: it hired a new CEO. Not only is he an engineer he decided to move his office back to Seattle. That move is #1, above. I finally have hope for the once-great company. 

Final advice to MBA's: Once you get that coveted position, manage in this way and stick to it. Never compromise your ethics. If your company won't let you manage in this manner, find another company!


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