Exactly Why We Need a National Disaster Review Board

While I completely agree Hawaii officials missed every opportunity to prepare for the catastrophic Maui Wildfire of 2023, including the Maui emergency managers going to Honolulu for meetings the day of the hellish fires, here's the problem: how were they supposed to prepare?! The wildfire killed 102 and utterly destroyed the once-beautiful town of Lahina. 

The fact is that many, if not most, emergency managers don't know how to prepare for this type of disagree. One of the reasons they do not know how to prepare is because there is no central resource for this type of information like there is a National Transportation Safety Board for that type of accident. 

This is why the United States needs to join Great Britain and other nations and establish a National Disaster Review Board so that we stop making the same mistakes over and over. 

During this election season, ask your congressional candidates about this issue. 


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