Because Some Readers Have Expressed Concern....

Via Twitter and email, I've had readers express concern that a hurricane is going to strike the U.S. coast this week. 

While in September (the height of hurricane season) it isn't impossible, there are no indications at this time of a hurricane threat to the U.S. between now and Saturday. 

Yes, as far back as Tuesday of last week, there have been irresponsible people making forecasts well beyond atmospheric science's capability who were guessing a hurricane might occur and some of them are still at it. It is the policy of this blog not to make hurricane guesses!

Especially to my two Houston-area readers: after the spring derecho and Beryl, I certainly understand why you would be anxious but there is no reason to be. Please enjoy your holiday today and if a tropical system develops and is within 5-7 days, I will let you know. Promise. 


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