Whose Side are the NIH, FDA, CDC and the Courts On?

At last, a ruling in a case that has been bouncing around the courts for 14+ years. The ruling, however, is appalling. 
More on the law suit, here

From the behavior of the federal government's public health agencies during COVID and since, it is clear they are not on the public's side. 
It is appalling the law allows drug companies to engage in a form of fraud as long as the FDA and CDC go along with it!

These same government people pushed a vaccine of dubious benefit. And, the same government (NIH) people funded the Wuhan lab which may have created COVID. Making things even worse, the Biden Administration continues to send our tax dollars to China to fund this lab!

While I do not have much hope, civil service reform needs to be at the top of the new president's agenda once he/she is sworn it. 


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