The Mobile Killing Chamber = Tool of the Nazis

I've carried over yesterday's post after seeing a tweet comparing Democrat's having a van to abort babies outside of their Chicago convention to the Nazi's "death vans." 
I hadn't heard about that before, so I looked it up. Here it is:

More abortion availability has been a major theme of the DNC. I guess a mobile abortion van meets that goal.
Last I heard, the Fifth Commandment, "Thou Shall Not Kill," is still in effect.  Note: It is a commandment, not a suggestion. 

All pro-abortion Americans, please ask yourself: is this really what you want to be associated with? When you meet God at the end of your life, how do you think He will feel about mobile killing facilities?! There's always time to reconsider your values.
Abortion is a sign of a sick society. We are in danger of losing our nation. 

From a member of the King Family:
Here moving video is here


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