Sunday Fun: Proven! Soccer is Boring

With the Olympics and with the World Cup coming to Kansas, I've really, really tried to learn to like soccer the past six months. While I love watching my grandchildren play, adult soccer can't be any more boring. And, yes, many years ago I was one of the fans in the stadium when Pele played in the United States. 

Now, I realize this is heresy to soccer fans. That's okay. 

But, as evidence, I offer this off-air photo I took of NBC's coverage of the U.S. women's gold metal victory yesterday. It is a cutaway while the game was in progress, not during a medical or other break. 
I rest my case! Just like I enjoy watching television meteorologists when I visit other cities, one would think Germany's soccer players would have been enthralled by the 1-0 game. 

If you like it, that's great! Enjoy! Just, please, stop trying to convert me. Soccer is boring. 


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