NOAA Responds to Dr. Roger Pielke, Jr. Pertaining to Its 'Billion Dollar Disaster' Product

Roger testifying before Congress

A hearty congratulations to Dr. Roger Pielke, Jr. NOAA has conceded his, mine and many other meteorologists/climatologists concerns regarding their Billion Dollar Disaster products are valid. It took a peer-reviewed paper on the topic and a great deal of additional work to come to this point. 

Excerpt of NOAA's response, "I" refers to Roger. 

Roger goes on to write:
"The (billion dollar disaster) dataset is a clever public relations gimmick, to be sure, but it should never be used in scientific research, climate assessment reports, or as a grounding for policy."That is putting it mildly. For years, I've described it as nothing more than climate alarmist "propaganda." That adjective seems to be validated here. 

Roger's entire report is here. Highly recommended. 

NOAA and the National Weather Service have serious problems. I give a big salutes to Roger for doing the heavy lifting to get NOAA to acknowledge one of them. Let us hope this is a turning point and that NWS/NOAA will work with constructive criticism coming their direction to get them back to the highly respected institutions they used to be. 


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