Investigative Report: The Weather Channel = Agitprop

Prior to this afternoon, I can't remember the last time I watched The Weather Channel (TWC). It was probably during March, 2023, tornado outbreaks. 

I was shocked by what I saw. I didn't realize it had become such a propaganda outlet for climate alarmism. 

The segment began with the discredited NOAA Billion Dollar Disasters
The anchors made a ridiculous claim that only 1% of the U.S. population has been unaffected by this year's [NOAA] "disasters." NOAA arrives at 19 disasters by combining small events -- on different days and in different locations -- and calling it a single billion disaster. 

Then, they invited a social scientist (not an actual climate scientist) from the lobbying group the Union of Concerned Scientists. The union has been 'concerned' since 1969 and the Vietnam War.

Evidently, Big Climate has deployed their focus groups again. They have named May through October "Danger Season." Why? Because of "wildfires, floods and hurricanes [which have always occurred this time of year] have been made worse by climate change," according to Dr. Juan Declet-Barreto. 

What would climate alarmists do without their focus groups? Until climate change, never before has a science been marketed to the public like toothpaste. 

Let's consider the facts with regard to the weather that occurs from May through October.
  • Violent tornadoes are clearly less common and normalized tornado damage is down! 
  • This season (2024) was supposed to have the most named storms ever (Dr. Michael Mann predicted 33). Inevitably, there will still be some major hurricanes still this year but it looks like 33 named storms is virtually impossible. The UN's IPCC, considered the gold standard of climate information, says it cannot detect a human influence in tropical storms (see Table 12.12 of its latest report). 
  • The same IPCC says it cannot detect human influence on floods or droughts. 
  • Temperatures this summer, like 2023's, were record setting and dangerously, hot in some areas of the world (but nothing special in the USA). The IPCC says there is a human influence temperatures. It is more likely that the extraordinary heat in some areas is due to the effects of the Tonga Volcano's injection of huge amounts of water vapor (a greenhouse gas more powerful than CO2). 
So, Dr. Declet-Barreto's claims are not supported by mainstream climate science. When the script called for Mike Bettes (middle person in upper photo) to ask the good doctor what should be done, he actually said to vote for candidates that support spending money on climate change. Folks, that isn't weather coverage (they still call it the "weather" channel) that's straight out political advocacy. He also -- surprise! -- said we need more government spending on climate yet conveniently failed to mention the trillions of dollars we have already spent which have had no effect on the weather, to date. The entire staged segment could have been done any year back to 1988 with almost the same words being spoken. More money! 

It was so over the top, I'm wondering if someone is paying The Weather Channel for this "coverage" like they would for an infomercial or other advertisement? I looked at information from Variety and something called "Pattrn" that appears to be an advocacy group that is working with or is part of TWC. When you go to the "About" part of its web site, you get almost nothing (common with advocacy groups).
No info about it source of funding. Nothing about who runs it. So, I did some additional searching and came up with this:
"Earth Champions." Hmm.

They have a link for more information and below is what one gets. 
And, when you try to get more info, it takes you back to the "About" area of the website.

Generally, when groups work to not reveal information about themselves, there's a reason. I wonder what their reason might be?

Going forward, I believe it is wise to realize that The Weather Channel has become a climate advocacy organization. Keep that in mind when it is talking about climate change. 


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