A Subtle Way to Hype Global Warming

See this map from Saturday? Take a close look:
This is a global warming "hype" map. Red, to almost everyone, means hot/danger. Does anyone really believe that 68°F in Iowa on the 10th of August is "hot"?! Sixty-eight is 12° below normal. 

Big Climate has tried to make us think it is hotter by changing weather maps. Here are two examples from Germany. This first is from 2017. Temperatures are in degrees Celsius. 

Here's a map from 2017. Temperatures are cooler than on the map above. 24°C = 75°F.
Even in Germany, it is hard to believe that 24°C is considered "hot." Yet, it is in deep red. 

Below is the Secretary-General of the United Nations using the latest focus-grouped term:
Big Climate is relentless in its worldwide quest for money and power. Do not underestimate them!


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