We Have Been Out of Town for a Few Days....

... so I DVR'd Discovery's Eye of the Storm about the 2023 Rolling Fork MS Tornado. That was a terrible EF-4 intensity storm that killed 17 people. A number of those who perished were in a mobile home park. There was some unusual video of this tornado that was online right after, so I was looking forward to the documentary. 
Unfortunately, the presentation was marred by the "no warning" canard. Above is a screen capture (they were showing the tornado approaching). 

The most unusual video online immediately after the storm showed what appears to be two separate lights (autos with their lights on?) apparently rotating around the tornado. My guess is there were at least 100 feet above the ground. I was hoping they would analyze this unusual video and explain the source of the lights. They didn't, at least not to my satisfaction. 

While I generally recommend the documentary, if you would like the true story with regard to the excellent forecasts and warning for Rolling Fork, please go here.


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