To Fight This, Go to Church Today!

Considering Los Angeles is the host city in 2028, it is hard to figure if the Bee is joking or serious. 

The moral decay of society in the West -- and, the USA in particular -- can only be fought with God's help. Please go to church today! Worshipping only on  Christmas and Easter isn't cutting it. 

We people of faith need to redouble our efforts -- not just by going to church (or synagogue or mosque) -- but by speaking out, working to elect quality candidates, and using our economic power (hello, Bud Light!) to fight advertisers who spread filth. 
How do we fight back? 

I was really looking forward to the Olympics. Now, I'm not going to watch -- at all. If NBC and the International Olympic Committee see a huge drop in viewers, the advertisers will demand refunds, and NBC + IOC will stop opening and closing ceremonies last last night's because of the loss of money.

We must live our faith by not patronizing immoral activities, or watching immoral movies or television programs. 

And, yes Anthony, I am terribly disappointed in the Catholic bishops in the United States who have not only not spoken out loudly against these attacks on Christianity. They haven't spoken out (as a group) against the FBI attacking the pro-life movement and targeting traditional Catholics as 'terrorists.' They also have not spoken out against the Biden Administration's attempt to censor traditional Catholic/Christian values on social media. 

The just-ended Catholic Eucharistic Congress show the bishops can rally tens of thousands of Catholics to come to Indianapolis to worship -- well done! Now that it is over, the bishops -- I believe -- must turn their attention to the morals pertinent to the upcoming election. 



  1. Just don't watch the Olympics. No viewers, advertisers pay less. NBC gets a message. Or better yet if you have to watch, note the advertisers and tell them why you WON'T be buying their products.

  2. I am very disappointed that I cannot watch the Olympics because of the political issues introduced by the opening ceremonies. It seems to violate the very purpose of the games.


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