The Media's Vile Assassination Coverage


I wanted to allow things to cool a bit before following up on yesterday’s near-assassination of former President Trump. Now is the time for some essential points to be made. 

Because I hear from them more often than I do the R’s and C’s that read this blog, I know we have many D and L readers. Some of them are wonderful people, even friends. But it is time for those whose politics are on the left side of the aisle to do some serious soul searching -- and it is time to do so without, “Well, but…..!’s.”

R’s and, especially, C’s in the Trump era have gone from disliking the mainstream media to, in many cases, despising it. Consider the front page of this morning’s Denver Post:

·      The Headline: Their concern is over the gunman not the former President nor the people struck by the would-be assassin’s bullets; a former fire chief (who died shielding his daughter) and the two who were seriously injured. Let this sink in: The editors’ primary concern was the gunman!!

·      The Sub-Headline (upper left, small maroon print): “Trump says he was hit in ear.” Ya think?! All that blood on his ear had to come from somewhere, but I’m sure Trump was just faking it.

While the Post’s coverage was among the most vile, there was genuine competition for that ‘honor.’ None of these are the respective publications' initial posts where "heat of news gathering" would allow some leeway.

Yeah, I guess the eight gunshots were "loud."

Uh, don't think he "fell." I guess they have Trump mixed up with Biden. 

I, too, would be "startled" if I were shot in the ear, especially since the New York Times has a photo of the bullet whizzing past his head

While I do not believe the leftist media is still capable of shame, that is exactly what they should be feeling. 

I have many friends in the media who insist, “there’s no such thing as the mainstream media,” which may have been true until recent years. But, the groupthink that produces this snide, repugnant – not to mention inaccurate – coverage (obvious fact: Trump didn‘t “fall”) is produced by people who, 1) are political leftists, 2) think entirely alike, and 3) are worried more about what business and social peers think of them as opposed to acting like true independent journalists. Ironically, most tout "diversity" but there is almost none in America's large newsrooms. 

As a strong First Amendment proponent, I continue to support freedom of the press as the alternative is almost certainly worse. But, if that freedom should be lost in the future, these publishers and editors need only look in the mirror for the reason. 


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