There Has Been an Assassination Attempt on Former President Trump -- Shooter Reported Dead -- Eyewitness Report of Shooter Added - President Biden's Statement

5:30pm CDT. More info, here. He evidently was hit in the right ear but doesn't appear to be seriously injured. He was in Pennsylvania at the time. 

5:38pm. "Loud Noises." Ridiculous headline (as you would expect) from the WaPo considering the blood on the president. He appeared to be hit by something in the right ear and, possibly, cheek. 

6:08pm. There is video of an individual being dragged from the venue by law enforcement here.

6:12pm. There are two eyewitness reports of two people shot in the crowd and, perhaps, seriously injured. 

6:19pm. WaPo continuing to embarrass itself with CNN joining in. 

These are current headlines. And, the MSM (specially NBC this evening) wonders why R's and C's dislike them. 

6:23pm:  ABC reporting the shooter is dead and that at least one spectator is dead and, perhaps a second spectator dead. 

6:24pm: Confirmed... still no response from President Biden or the White House. 

6:44pm: Alejandra has 164,000 followers on Twitter. Still nothing from the White House. 
Another MSM headline:
6:53pm: This video of an eyewitness who (credibly) says he saw the shooter getting into position is must-viewing. It is from the BBC's coverage. 

6:54pm: This is going to end my coverage. 

Please pray for former President Trump, his family and our nation. We have a lot of healing to do. 

7:03pm: Even though I ended coverage, I wanted to insert President Biden's just-released statement. 


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