Climate "Science" Has It Backwards -- Again

Yale's Climate Connections is one of Big Climate's mouthpieces (public relations organizations) that is lavishly funded to help you and me but -- especially -- politicians believe in scary global warming. 

This latest article wonders (almost hopes) we have some catastrophic disaster that would -- finally, at last -- make people get really concerned about global warming. The fact that the public has been nearly drowned in both global warming science and nonsense for the past 36 years (!!) hasn't produced the results they want (nearly complete control of trillions of dollars of resources and an assault on our First Amendment rights) doesn't discourage them. They have plenty of money and time -- after all, this is what they get paid for. 

The problem is that the weather is less bad than it was ~100 years ago. Consider these United States records:
  • Worst flood in U.S. history?  1927
  • Worst tornado?  1925
  • Worst heat and dust storm?  1931-1936
  • Worst hurricane by strength: 1938   Worst by deaths:  1900.
  • Worst wildfire? 1871
Dr. Roger Pielke, Jr. has written about the horrible weather that occurred from 1850 to 1900.

The article laments: We have not made the transformational changes needed to prepare for what is coming. Of course, if we convert to nuclear power, especially next-generation nuclear (below) no "transformational changes" are needed. But, Big Climate wants the money and power that comes with transformational changes!!
Is global warming a genuine problem? Yes!! Can it be mitigated by converting energy production to nuclear? Absolutely. There is no need whatever to limit our liberties or standard of living. 

Have you ever noticed that Big Climate never tells us what it would take to achieve "victory" over climate change? Since the climate always changes, the climate agitation will continue forever!!


  1. New to your site, and there is great content here. Your comment above caught me by surprise, though. Are you saying that global warming is real after saying the public has been drowned in fake science for 36 years? Are you saying that nuclear energy is the answer, implying that global warming is anthropomorphic? What am I missing?

    1. Mike here: There's no question humans affect th climate. For example, turning agricultural land into a development will cause (net) heating. So does adding CO2. However, this is a problem not an "existential crisis." We need to decarbonize energy so counter the effects of greenhouses gases. The problem can be managed and there is no need for the panic nor the money/power grab from Big Climate.

    2. Thank you for explaining. I'll dig deeper into this.


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