Biden/Harris Allowing Dangerous GeoEngineering

Now, Big Climate wants to “geoengineer” our climate. This is an incredibly dangerous activity but, evidently, the Biden/Harris Administration is all for it. The risk of “unintended consequences” is high. 

The story is here

What do I mean by "unintended consequences"?


Here’s a recent example. In the 2010’s, it was decided that the sulfur used in the fuel for oceanic shipping fuels had to be eliminated. Via treaty, in 2020, the new fuels were adopted worldwide. And, guess what? The new, cleaner, fuels are contributing to global warming and making our world hotter. This was the opposite of the intended effect. See headlines below:

So now, even though we have vast gaps in our understanding of the earth-atmosphere-ocean system, we are dumping toxic chemicals into the ocean to "fix the climate."

Here's the very basic question: how do we determine the climate has been "fixed"? By what metric? Temperatures? Number of storms? What?

Climate scientists refuse to even attempt to answer the question, "What is the ideal mean temperature for earth" that will best allow humanity to thrive? Shouldn't that be answered before even attempting geoenginerring? 

We are playing a very dangerous game. 


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