The "Well, Duh!" Headline of 2024

The New York Times is finally stating what has been obvious to everyone but the climate alarmists the past 20 years.

You could have read that on this blog as recently as April 4. Or, as early as November, 2014. Or, 18 times in between. The first story that sea level rise claims may be misleading was in November, 2009, during the first week of the blog. Or, you could have read it on WattsUpWithThat or other blogs attempting to cover the climate in an accurate manner. 

Below is a photo of one of the Maldives web cams at 5:05pm Maldives time today.
The island doesn't look underwater to me. Long live the Maldives!

And, don't expect Big Climate to apologize for all of the misinformation since 1989. 


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