The National Weather Service's Latest, Serious, Issues - Update 4:13pm

We are now at the 24 hour mark in the outage!
Since most meteorologists use the higher resolution Level 2 data, I was not aware of the complete Level 3 outage. There are many non-professional-level applications that use the Level 3 data which means -- for them -- no radar. This is dangerous, especially during peak thunderstorm season!!

--- original, still valid, posting ---

You may have seen cautionary notes like these on a number of web sites today. 

Since about 4:30 yesterday afternoon, the NWS has been operating in seriously degraded mode. This includes serious issues with its flood information -- during the (in some locations) record Midwest flooding that has already taken out one dam and one major bridge. I-29 is closed. There are issues with aviation weather forecasts and other important weather information. 

An article that sums up the situation is here

This has been going on for years and is not getting better. The only solution I can come up with is a National Disaster Review Board modeled after the highly successful NTSB. 

Nothing is going to change without a NDRB! Please contact your congressional representatives. 


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