Abortion Chaos in Kansas

While we love Kansas, I am ashamed that it allows abortions – especially that it allows them up to 22 weeks. We are the “abortion capital of the Midwest,” a dubious title that many of us predicted would develop after Kansans voted against restricting abortion two years ago. 


The leading abortion facility in Kansas is named “Trust Women.” It is currently closed to abortions and has been for a while. Here are two news stories regarding the behind-the-scenes drama: 


The first, from May 23, is here


The second, from The Wichita Eagle and published yesterday, is here.  


We can thank God that, evidently, no abortions have been performed in the interim and none will be provided in the immediate future. 


However, women may want to consider what the May 23 story reports pertaining to the facility’s medical director:


According to sources, a new medical director was announced on Monday: Dr. Ekwensi Griffith, the founder of New Health Kansas, a wellness clinic that offers erectile dysfunction treatment, “medical weight loss,” and other med spa services such as Botox injections, CoolSculpting, and facial fillers. According to the clinic website, Griffith’s training is in emergency medicine, but he has no apparent prior experience in abortion or other reproductive health care.


Per both stories, Trust Women is an abortion “hub” for women from other states. But, do those women read the Eagle? Do they know that nine physicians have resigned in the current messiness?


Those of us who are pro-life are pro-life. We treasure both the woman and her child. While we abhor abortion, we do not want harm to come to the women who receive them. I’m hoping any women contemplating the services of any abortion business will carefully evaluate their medical qualifications (for example, board certified physicians or physicians with hospital privileges?) and track record (malpractice suits?) and, hopefully, reconsider their decision. 

Abortion has chewed away at our national fibre since Roe v Wade in 1973. Abortion is bad for America and, especially, they are erosive to the spirit and, sometimes, the very bodies of the woman for the women who undergo them. Adoption is a wonderful alternative. 


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