At Least Eleven Days of Heavy Rains

8:30pm PST: I've taken a quick look at the latest model information and it does nothing to assuage my concerns. This has the possibility of storms of the intensity of those during the winter of 1982-83. Preparations are needed in the Southland. I'll have more tomorrow. I continue to be quite concerned about the likelihood of flooding in California. The map below depicts rainfall the next seven days. Note there are multiple areas where ten inches or more (yellow) are forecast to fall. For Southern California, this may be the most serious rainstorm (with possible thunderstorms and/or flash flooding) in a number of years. The first of several weather systems is now affecting the northern two-thirds of the state currently. The radar is below. This evening and tonight, some flash flooding may occur in and near the coastal mountains from the Oregon Border to Vandenberg AFB. Radar at 2:10pm PST The most powerful of the storms will strike over the weekend, making...