Two Kudos and One Demerit

I've been in Kansas City the past few days and I have a couple of comments to pass along in case they are helpful. 

Two Kudos to Kansas City Union Station
The first is for showing the IMAX movie, Train Time. I attended with Kathleen and my brother and sister-in-law. It is outstanding! My brother said, "It could be three times longer and it wouldn't have been long enough (it runs 50 minutes)!" The movie takes the topic of railroading and makes it fascinating. Five Stars! You may want to see if it is playing in an IMAX theatre in your area.

The second kudos also goes to Union Station for having clearly marked signs indicating where to go in case of a tornado warning. Well done!

The Demerit Goes to the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts....
...for its lack of storm warning signs and for the advice in the program to "sit in your seats and wait for further instructions" if there is a tornado warning. 

As Herb Alpert noted Thursday evening, the facility is spectacularly beautiful and the acoustics in the Helzberg Theatre were outstanding.

That said, the amount of glass combined with the large free-span roofs mean it is not a great place to be if a tornado is approaching. The sheltering areas should be clearly marked. "Sit in your seats and wait" does not cut it. 


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