New Review of "Warnings"

Brittany Glish

A new review of Warnings: The True Story of How Science Tamed the Weather was posted at LinkedIn Saturday. Here are some excerpts:

Wow! Absolutely blown away by Mike Smith book. 

Mike wrote several chapters on Delta 191, while giving an informative, yet tactful explanation of what happened. He describes beautifully not just how impactful microbursts are on aircraft and all the research behind it, but just how understudied and misunderstood they were at the time.

If you are interested in weather or meteorology, or maybe just an aviation nerd like myself, I highly recommend this book! Thanks for your research and time dedicated to this book, weather, and aviation, Mike.

Thanks, Brittany!

Warnings is a great book for spring break or as a graduation gift for a meteorology graduate. 


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