Make Your Tornado Safety Plans NOW

The morning models are almost finished coming in. I'll be looking them over along with NWS SPC's forecasts and will post an update to the tornado risk tomorrow by 1:15 or so.

However, there is enough data from last night and today to emphasize that we are in a very active wether pattern conductive to spring tornadoes. Now, is the time to make plans. Especially....
  • If you live in a mobile home, make arrangements to shelter with someone in a conventional home or a nearby public shelter. 
  • Get a programmable weather radio.
  • Turn on FCC's Wireless Emergency Alerts on your smartphone (bottom of "notifications" on an iPhone). 
  • Subscribe to StormWarn.
Sirens are great outdoors but you cannot count on hearing them indoors and you certainly cannot count on them awakening you. 

One additional thought: If you want a portable generator, get one now. Make sure you read the instructions and follow them. There are far too many deaths from carbon monoxide poisoning after major tornadoes, ice storms, and hurricanes. 


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