StormWarn Success Story!

We've developed StormWarn because we believe it is the best way to warn of dangerous storms: 
  • You can a call on up to two phones if a tornado warning or winds of 80 mph or stronger are approaching the location you select. Get to shelter instantly. No need to think about it as you are notified only if you are in the path. 
  • Otherwise, we leave you alone!
The second point is more important than you might think. 

There is a StormWarn customer in Bloomington, Kansas. Sunday evening, a tornado warning was issued for an area that was as close as four miles away. There was damage to a home near Augusta. It had part of its roof rolled back, so the small tornado warning was valid as there was genuine danger. 
But, in Bloomington, there was no threat. And, her phone didn't ring. Before you say, "Big deal," please consider: several people in her home were sick with the flu. And, her 92-yr old father is living with them and she only wants him to climb down the basement stairs if it is an emergency. The prevention of a false alarm was of signifiant value.

With StormWarn, you get a notice only if you need to take action at your location. The $25 for a year of 24/7/365 protection is a great value. It is a system I believe in because useless alarms are not going off for 1" hail, weekly tests, and other non-action conditions. 

Finally, I receive no money from them. I promote it because I believe it is a great way to save lives. 


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