We Are Fighting For the Soul of Our Nation

I'm sorry if you are sick of reading this. I'm sick to my stomach at having to post it. Reagan Conservatives, like me, are pro-"law and order" in the best sense of the term. We want everyone to live peacefully in a way that allows them to achieve "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness -- the American D ream . We cannot attain law and order when the police are behaving like unaccountable thugs. No one -- no one -- condones the pai d agitators that are sowing violence across our cities. Millions of words have been written on that an d I, of course, agree. But, I'm sick of reading excuses for the appalling conduct of the police the last week an d throughout our nation the last two deca des. I poste d on this subject Friday . Things have only gotten worse since, as illustrate by the video below. This video is from Minneapolis. It will turn your stomach. Apparently, they believe they are in Afghanistan and unaccountable to U.S. or international law....