Since I Am Not Into Political Correctness, I'll Take On This Article

Distorting science is bad. Exploiting children for fundraising is terrible. Here's an article that does both.
The article gives no evidence whatsoever the headline is factually correct. Read it for yourself. It talks about a terrible hurricane in 1970 (when world temperatures were inconveniently colder than today) that killed 300,000. They talk about another hurricane (called a cyclone in that part of the world) in 1991 that killed 138,000. The reason there hasn't been a similar disaster since is because they have put a storm warning system in place and have instituted rudimentary evacuations and other mitigating measures. Those are not mentioned.

Their "proof" that children are being forced into sex trafficking?

Around 12 million of the most affected children live in and around the powerful river systems which regularly burst their banks, UNICEF’s Dhaka spokesman, Jean-Jacques Simon, told the AP.
“In the big cities…thousands of children arrive every day with their parents…who are quite vulnerable to all kinds of exploitations,” Simon said.
They quote Dr. Saleemul Huq (who is not an atmospheric scientist) as saying, "the threat is real." These two quotes are it.

Here is the real bottom line:

At very least it is a huge conflict of interest for UNICEF to be soliciting funds and issuing non-evidentiary 'reports' about the terrible things that might happen.

UNICEF, by any measure, is not an effective charity. For every $100 in donations only $77.50 makes it to the people in need (two out of four stars).
Sex trafficking is horrific, especially when children are involved. But, using phony science to exploit children to raise money is nothing to be proud of, either.


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