One Year: It Has Been Fantastic!
I retired one year ago this evening. I loved my jobs in television and then commercial meteorology. While founding and growing WeatherData, Inc. was my professional dream come true, I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to spend more time with my precious family (especially my granddaughters). In addition to my professional speaking, I now do consulting work -- especially with startups and companies related to science. I'm enjoying that immensely and my clients seem pleased with the work I do for them. If you are interested in learning more and boosting your growth, go here . Thank you to each of my consulting clients. I value the opportunity to work with each of you!! I have written a short story I'm trying to get published. I'm also working on my first novel. I have no idea when the manuscript might be finished. So, that is my life after one year of retirement. For those who wonder what retirement might be like: If you are financially squared away I highly recomm...