Anyone Remember the 90-Year Drought...

...that was supposed to have started in Great Plains about 2010-2013? I suspect those press releases are being quietly burned.

As of today, Wichita has received 34.86 inches of rain so far in 2016. In a normal year, Wichita receives 32.64 inches. Cheney Lake, where most of our water comes from, is at 114% of capacity.

Even though it is early August, a normally dry period, Kansas has received generous rainfall the last seven days.
click to enlarge
Unfortunately, none of this evidence will do anything to dissuade the true believers in catastrophic global warming. From an article about Midwest agriculture published last week,
Even though there are people who, tragically, starve, it is not due to "food scarcity." It is due to political and distribution issues. With regard to 'climate change,' if anything the climate in the U.S.'s Farm Belt has improved.

Tell me again which side in the global warming debate is grounded in science?


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