Please read the entire article, here . In the meantime here is what you need to now to tell the difference between a real scientist and an advocate masquerading as a scientist: A good scientist would rather live with an unpleasant truth than embrace a comfortable lie. Good scientists do not suppress debate, they insist on it. Good scientists with opposing views attack one another’s arguments , but not each other. A good scientist knows that skepticism, whether or not it is the sign of a heretic, is actually essential to the practice of good science. A good scientist would rather be right than be President. A good scientist knows that 2 + 2 = 4, always has, and always will, no matter who occupies the positions of power in politics or culture. A good scientist knows that science is not a democracy , that scientific truth is not determined by a show of hands, and that consensus and authority are there to be challenged , not to be accepted without que