Special Hurricane Joaquin Update

Wind speeds are now at 105 mph and pressure is down to 954 mb. Satellite images show an eye (yellow dot) forming and a stronger central dense overcast, always a sign of strengthening. The computer models that have come in since I last posted have allowed me to become a bit more confident as to the location of landfall (between the orange lines). It now seems likely Joaquin will reach at least Category 3 (major) status and Cat. 4 is not out of the question. So, now is the time to start thinking about hurricane precautions (flood precautions are below, scroll down) if you are along or east of I-95 in Virginia/North Carolina: Bring in lawn furniture, trampolines and other items that might blow about. Any car not needed for evacuation needs to be in the garage or other shelter. Get plenty of cash -- twice what you think you will need -- as if you will be gone for two weeks. If the power failures, your credit card will not work. Cash is king. Prescriptions should be ...