Forecast Snow Amounts

This is a dangerous storm. Please inform yourself and act accordingly. 

As explained yesterday, there are two parts of this storm. The first is starting to play out over the Midwest and will produce amounts approximately (±2") as indicated.

The snow accumulation from the second part of the storm, the blizzard, is below.
From New York and Long Island northeast to Boston and up the Maine coast, there will be sustained winds in the 25 to 40 mph range with a few gusts to 50-60 mph. On Long Island and in southeast Massachusetts (including Boston suburbs) there could be an isolated gust to 70 mph.

Three important points:
So, what should you do if you live in this region?
  • Do not travel in this storm by any mode. The chance of getting stuck are high.
  • Make sure you have an adequate supply of medicines.
  • Fill your car's tank.
  • Go to the ATM and insure you have extra cash. 
Scroll down to see AccuWeather's forecast timing of the blizzard. 


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