Severe Weather Phobia

Cory Mottice Photography. Thunderstorm approaching the
headquarters of  AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions
Here is an interesting article from the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society about storm/weather phobias.

As the father of three, I would take each of them into the back yard when they were little and a thunderstorm was making a lot of noise (but still a safe distance) and talk about how "cool" the storm was and the pretty clouds. When they were older (early teens), I took them storm chasing. While none of them are interested in meteorology as a career, none of them are afraid of storms.

My colleague, Mindy Cook, is coming out with a children's book about storms which will be another great way to "fear-proof" your children about weather. We'll be talking more about that in the weeks to come!


  1. The picture is of Atlanta, the home of the Weather Channel, not AccuWeather, which is located in an industrial park near State College, PA.

    1. Opa, I took that picture and it was taken in Wichita, KS, not Atlanta. AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions HQ is located in Wichita.

    2. Coey, of course, you are correct. I saw "AccuWeather" and assumed the photo was incorrectly captioned. My mistake for jumping to conclusions--I apologize. Great picture, by the way.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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