Smoke From Rim Fire (Yosemite) Seen By Radar

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While it is not uncommon for meteorologists to be able to see smoke on radar, this is one of the most impressive examples I have seen considering the distance of the Rim Fire from the radar. The radar is in Sacramento at far upper left. Yosemite Valley is at lower right. Within the red rectangle are images of the radar's energy being reflected off the smoke and ash in much the same way as it would be with a snowflake or raindrop. The actual flames (not seen) are at the south end of each of the three main plumes.

Where you see yellow on radar, the fires are lofting considerable debris. It has burned 230 sq. miles, one of the largest fires in California history.

Here is the weather satellite image of the smoke plume at the same time, 2pm PDT. You can see the triple plume structure here, as well.
If you are interested in the latest news on the fire, click here.


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