Tulsa Storm
I covered the Tulsa storm on Twitter @USWeatherExpert.
Seventy-six miles an hour were the wind gusts at the Tulsa International Airport and power flashes could be seen in many areas of the city. There are widespread power outages. A jetway at the Tulsa Airport was destroyed and there is other damage reported.
UPDATE: Lightning-caused fires reported at Union High School and the Doubletree Hotel.
Seventy-six miles an hour were the wind gusts at the Tulsa International Airport and power flashes could be seen in many areas of the city. There are widespread power outages. A jetway at the Tulsa Airport was destroyed and there is other damage reported.
UPDATE: Lightning-caused fires reported at Union High School and the Doubletree Hotel.
Saw numerous power flashes on Elwood ave. Wind felt like it picked my semi truck up