Sunday Fun: "EF-5 Tornado Sundae"

You have to give Greensburg, the location of a devastating EF-5 tornado in 2007 credit for pluck.

Prior to the tornado, everyone loved the old-fashioned soda fountain at Hunter's Rexall Drugs.
The drug store, along with just about every other building in the town was destroyed by the EF-5 tornado, the story told in Warnings: The True Story of How Science Tamed the Weather

The soda fountain was recovered from the wreckage and restored. It is now operating in the Greensburg Commons Building.

They have a new dessert: The EF-5 Sundae which is served in a tornado-shaped bowl.

I understand that, if you eat the whole thing, you get a t-shirt. It is just the place to visit after you take in their spectacular new museum.

Love it, Greensburg! Merry Christmas to all of you.

Readers: If you are traveling through Kansas for the Christmas and New Year's holidays please stop in Greensburg and support their rebuilding after the devastating 2007 tornado.


  1. Yes, support Greensburg, but try to support the local, small businesses. No knock against Kwik Shop and Dillions, but there is a small gas station there that could use the business. And other smaller places in town to eat and shop.

  2. I remember from reading "Warnings" that at the time of the tornado there was an 80+ year old "soda jerk" working behind the counter, who had had the job for more than 50 years! Is the cardboard cutout supposed to be him? Has he retired or passed away, or is he still there?



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