If You Would Like to Understand Why I'm a "Lukewarmer" on Global Warming...

...just take a look at this posting on Dr. Judith Curry's blog. Dr. Curry is a genuine, highly accomplished climate scientist.

Addition 5:02pm Friday:

The above link is to a discussion pertaining to the leaked draft of the next report (2013) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. I love this comment from Judy's blog:

Leakers – keeping Climate Science honest since 17 November 2009.

By coincidence, that was the day this blog started. My first posting on Climategate was the 20th of November, the blog's third day.

It is a shame that most climate scientists have not bothered to investigate Climategate (the worst scandal in atmospheric science in my lifetime) but rather have assuaged themselves with "nothing to see here" media reports.


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