Today is the Blog's Third Anniversary!

This is the Third Anniversary of the Mike Smith Enterprises Blog, also known as "Meteorological Musings."

This is the 4,870th posting that means we have been creating 4.6 new postings per day. We have had more than 800,000 people visit the blog, a number that is very pleasing to us. Our readers come from all over the word and I've noticed that the posts pertaining to agriculture get immediate responses

Our goal has always been to provide excellent information about weather, climate, and science that would be interesting and useful to our readers. Occasionally, especially during weekends and holidays, we post on other subjects.

The feedback we have received in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, the April 14, 2012, and frequent tornado outbreaks in 2011 have been very pleasing to us.  Our goal is to make people safer and mitigate the economic losses due to extreme weather.

The blog is sponsored by Mike Smith Enterprises, LLC which is a company that promotes my writing and paid, professional speeches. Our marketing director, and co-blogger, is Ms. Mindy Cook.  Please check out our website and take a quick look at the video at the top.

If you enjoy the content and style of writing on the blog, you will likely enjoy the two books, Warnings: The True Story of How Science Tamed the Weather and When the Sirens Were Silent. Please keep in mind that this blog has no advertising. The best way you can support and enlarge what we do is purchasing a book or considering one of our highly rated speeches for your next event.

The blog content is copyright 2012 Mike Smith Enterprises, LLC.


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