Amazon Running Low on "Warnings"

I provide this as a note to any readers interested in giving a copy of Warnings: The True Story of How Science Tamed the Weather as a Father's Day gift. Amazon is down to 13 copies. You'll recall they ran out a few weeks ago.  So, please, get your order in right away.

FYI: Warnings is a great book to give as a gift. It is an uplifting story of courageous scientists fighting the bureaucracy and nature itself to create the storm warning system that saves so many lives.

Two recent reviews:

I got this book as an Easter gift and immediately began devouring it. I was instantly sorry I hadn't bought it sooner. 

I'm a very busy person with little time to read, but I MADE time as I got into Warnings, and buzzed through it in four days of brief reading periods. Not only is this book about a really cool subject -- our modern-day severe storm warning system and how it almost didn't happen -- but it's written very engagingly with nary a slow spot in the entire book. As an author myself, I know how truly difficult it is to keep up such a pace without losing steam.-- Mary T. Shafter, author and speaker

Smith skillfully makes this and other controversies seem not just important, but exciting. Meteorology, in his telling, has the same bare-knuckle energy we see in politics or sports. These battles, many of which Smith himself fought in, reveal how much of our modern, weather-safe lifestyle is contingent on personalities, and could have gone another way.

While weather forecasters often appear starchy and bland, Smith makes the weather into an urgent concern, and a remarkable victory. This story turns the weather into a quest, and meteorologists into the most unlikely heroes in recent literature.
-- Kevin Nenstiel, Prof. of English, University of Nebraska 


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