Why We Went to the Dodge City DQ

As I have previously written on the blog and explain in Warnings , this spring marks the 40th anniversary of storm chasing. Storm chasing began with members of the University of Oklahoma student chapter of the American Meteorological Society chasing storms to support a radar research project at the National Severe Storms Laboratory. In rural Oklahoma in 1972, there were almost no McDonalds or Burger Kings or Wendy's. What you did have in every little town was a Dairy Queen. They were the walk-up design where you ordered at a little window and they handed you your cone or shake. A tradition developed that, if you caught a tornado (very rare in the early days of chasing, we didn't know what we were doing), you stopped at DQ to celebrate after the chase. While I cannot speak for other chasers, I've kept up that tradition. So, my chase partner Jaime Green and I had ice cream at the Dodge City DQ about 9:45 yesterday evening to celebrating seeing ...