Storm Season is Starting Early in the South

Storm season is already in full swing in the south and just around the corner for the rest of the nation. If you want to be fully prepared for tornado season, Mike's book WARNINGS contains valuable information that can save your life in the event of severe weather. Click here to check it out.

The time to act is before a tornado roars through your neighborhood. Just like having an emergency fire drill in place in your home, it is also advisiable to have a plan for surviving severe weather. This past week the world has watched the tradgedy unfold surrounding the Italian shipwreck, while  witnessing  the sad conquesnses of not being prepared in the event of an emergency. Mike has made saving lives his mission in life with that being the core reason behind all he does Please take time tonight to plan for an emergency with your family so that everyone is prepared and  knows what to do in the event of a tornado and you will be glad you did.


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