Starting the New Year: Some Hope for Environmentalism

Those of us who consider ourselves environmentalists but who find ourselves utterly disgusted by today's mainstream environmental movement should find some hope here.

Says John Horgan:
That’s why I’m a fan of Ted Nordhaus (left in photo) and Michael Shellenberger, iconoclasts who run a think tank, the Breakthrough Institute, in Oakland, Calif. While most green—and anti-green—activists preach to the converted, Nordhaus and Shellenberger challenge basic environmental assumptions and values. Even if they don’t totally convince you, they should force you to reconsider your views on, for example, the debate over fracking.

I've read some of Nordhaus and Shellenberger's work and they, along with Dr. Roger Pielke, Jr., take a fresh approach to environmental issues. Here's hoping this trend continues and grows in 2012. 


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