Climategate 2: Keeping the Faith in Warming Religion in Spite of the Data

Anthony Watts is keeping everyone up-to-date on the latest disclosures here . So far, my 'favorite' Climategate 2 email is the one where the pro-global warming clique is discussing the lack of warming during the previous eleven years and the increasing number of forecasts that the lack of warming (or even cooling) would continue. This email is from Phil Jones: >-----Original Message----- >From: Phil Jones [] >Sent: 05 January 2009 16:18 >To: Johns, Tim; Folland, Chris >Cc: Smith, Doug; Johns, Tim >Subject: Re: FW: Temperatures in 2009 > > > Tim, Chris, > I hope you're not right about the lack of warming lasting > till about 2020. I'd rather hoped to see the earlier Met Office > press release with Doug's paper that said something like - > half the years to 2014 would exceed the warmest year currently on > record, 1998! > Still a way to go before 2014. > > I seem to be ...