Mike Smith Enterprises

As marketing director, I would like to take a moment to welcome all of our new blog readers. The blog is written and maintained by Mike Smith Enterprises, LLC. I'd like to invite you to visit our recently updated web site at: www.mikesmithenterprises.com. If you are looking for a captivating keynote speaker, a terrific book, or breathtaking photography related to weather and the environment, we hope you will consider us.
Kim Dugger


  1. Mike I just recently discovered your blog I believe through a link on Stormtrack? You have a wealth of information here. I have bookmarked it and check back off for new articles. I may leave cooments or ask questions on occasion. I had looked through the archives, much to catch up on, like being at a buffet. Right now the article on the radar gap in MO has my complete interest since being from there. Todd in MO

  2. Todd,

    Sure, feel free to ask questions any time.

    The world of science is fascinating but too many people are taught about science in a way that makes it seem boring. Both my book and this blog are dedicating to making science seem as exciting as it truly is.

    While most of the blog is about weather, science, and related topics, I do throw a few other items in from time to time.

    Feel free to comment or ask questions. Nice to have you with us.



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