More "Global Warming" Hypocrisy

Cancun, Mexico. Site of this year's "global warming" conference. This year’s global warming in Cancun (notice the UN bureaucrats always meet in upscale areas like Bali, Davos, Cancun, and Coppenhagen rather than in places like Calcutta or Port Au Prince where they desperately need the money) has been so rife with silliness it has become a parody of itself. There are many, many things I could write about it, but, instead, I recommend reading Elizabeth Scalia’s posting, Eschewing teleconferences that could reduce their carbon footprints to almost nothing (assuming they all own computers and work in offices appropriately outfitted with vision-wrecking fluorescent overheads), the usual bureaucratic suspects have gathered in Cancun, Mexico, for another round of United Nations’ “talks on climate change”—that malleable and useful crisis upon which every weather variant and geological shift may be blamed without proof, for as long as the scam can dependably line the right p...